Friday, 18 September 2015


It was huh-huh-huh! --- huh-huh-huh! - like a machine gun.
What a laugh to listen to! Only literally of course.

It took away his concentration, assaulted his tastes, his expectations of public decency. How judgemental, how sensitive.


Them ambling coffee shop music returned.
An annoying laugh or the sound of a man spitting? Which was worse?
He supposed the latter, after all that could be witnessed in all its grotesqueness.

Spitting in sports only? Sure, seems reasonable.


The throat scrapping mucus chucking of the elder male population was etched in his mind. Like a school bully's punches or a first kiss.

Should be grateful for the laugh!

He finished his white chocolate and wondered how to spend the rest of his day. It was not often he bought chocolate in coffee shops, but today he was a willing victim of, or could it be victor, of impulse. His stomach said victor.

What was so funny? Gosh! Oh well. He was in no hurry anyway.

What is pollution?
Even humans produce waste. Crap. Literally.

Sitting in the corner he realised how much excessive light and noise bothered him, that was all around him here. It had long since lost it's appeal, its wonder.

It's okay from a distance. To hear distant traffic from a hill top isn't so bad, or to see a brightly lit city. He cheered up as he reflected. Soon he'd be far from this madding crowd, this whirl of neon and huh-huh-huh!

The rough and grainy stubble on his chin reminded him he had no plans. Being clean shaven when meeting people was a quirk of his nature. Growing a beard flashed through his mind.

It's possible to cultivate a thick one. A weeks growth might be something.

He knew deep inside he'd be lucky to get that far.

His drifted through the past week.

She didn't like crowds, And they often ended up in the same place. The coffee shop across the park, does the job whenever she bothers. He didn't mind going there with her. It suited her. It was slightly bland and lifeless just like her after all!

He wondered why, with her beauty, she hid away from the world. In the quietest corners, in the calmest of places, it seemed like a bore. Sometimes he wished she would leap out.

Can't be blames in this city though. And what a city!
She lives in a concrete jungle, probably wants to escape.

He habit of pre-booking flights several months in advance -- her way of coping he supposed.

She might die alone one day -- What a bad thought!

It wasn't for him to rescue her though. She'd have to help herself with that.
Better just to fly away.

He drifted further.

It's all devices these days. Everyone on one, from one moment to the next. The people around him all seemed infatuated with something of one kind of another.

Phone. E-book. Tablet.

Even the coffee shops use electronic devices to tell us when our coffee is ready.
We've become incapable.

How did we manage before he thought.
How orderly the hockey puck chips or discs, they kind of look like discs, make our coffee shop visits. Like an early version of a future robot led police force.

Are they necessary?  -- the discs. Did people all stand in tense groups and huddle around the counter waiting for their orders before?  Maybe we were so disorderly.

He considered asking his dad or someone old enough to know.
Perhaps the electronic flashing UFO-like things replaced people.
He was sure why they were so common, but they were.

Cost cutting?!?

This seemed a reasonable conclusion.
It was a conclusion to anything anywhere when there seemed to be less people doing a job now when compared to the past.

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